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Sunday 22 April 2012

I am a lazy cook!

Actually, it's more about having a very busy life than actual laziness. I have 2 young sons who love to eat pretty much anything (I'm a very lucky mum!), and their preference is for tasty gourmet treats.

But here's my secret....

I'm actually giving them great tasting, hearty, nutritious meals that are quick and easy to cook, use a minimal amount of dishes and leave me time to do things like...write blogs!

So what is this blog all about? Well, it's all about my adventures in the kitchen, and a space for me to share my lazy recipes with all of you!

A little bit about my experience/training as a cook. I was lucky enough to have a mum who can cook and who was willing to pass on her skills to me. I've always loved baking, sweet things are my favourite thing to cook, and my oh my have i gathered some recipes over the years (and modified them to suit myself). I started a traineeship to be a chef when I was 18, learned some very valuable skills, but left to join the family business in another industry altogether at 19.So here is my disclaimer: I am not a trained, qualified chef or cook. The beauty of that is that you don't have to be either! You'll often see me use "exact" measurements like "a great big handful of cheese", or "enough arborio rice to fill up your family's tummies". Don't worry, I'll accompany these types of things with some guidelines at the bottom of each post. When I use these kinds of measurements, it's usually because everyone's tastes vary and you might like to use a little more or less of the things you like that aren't required in exact amounts.

My aim is to post recipes and tips/tricks several times a week for you, so stay tuned. I'll include pictures of the meals that I prepare, and add a rating system and review from my 7 year old son on each one, so that you can get the feedback straight from the harshest food critics (kids!).

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